Earlier Celtic structures

Finds and features

Excavations in the Villa Borg frequently uncovered Celtic finds and features that demonstrate continuous settlement at the site from the late La Tène period until the Roman imperial period.


Remains of Celtic buildings

The structures under the bathhouse were so badly disturbed by the expansion of the ancient Roman bath that the uncovered features did not provide a clear impression of the building.
However, the Celtic building likely rested on six posts and measured approximately 7 x 14 metres, or roughly 100 square metres.

Better-preserved remains of a second post-in-ground structure were found on the opposite side of what later became the inner courtyard.
This structure measured 15 x 18 metres, once stood on eight posts and had half-timbered walls with loam fill material.


Dating the structures

The Celtic wooden structures in Borg were probably built during the 1st century BC. They remained in use well into the early Roman period, as finds from pottery sherds dating from this time attest.

Some finds date from the time before Roman conquest; consequently, the existence of continuous settlement at the site from the late Celtic period to the Roman period can be considered established.


Celtic war profiteers?

The continued use of the moist site, despite its unsuitability, and the fact that the layout of the Roman buildings was based on their Celtic predecessors indicate that they remained the property of the same owners.

The wooden buildings may have been the traditional seat of a local Treveri noble family that was quick to come to an arrangement with the Roman occupiers. As a result, they were able to not only retain their possessions and influence, but also amass considerable wealth within a few generations.

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